Home Invasion Suspects Flee When They Hear Gun Get Cocked By Thankful Gun Owner


"It was money well spent. Even though I didn't get to fire it off, I don't want to harm anyone." 

Nov 12 2015
One man in Chattanooga Tennessee is thankful he had purchased a handgun just days before his family woke up to find some unwelcome visitors in their home around 3 am in the morning.  One suspect came in armed with a tire iron while the other armed with mace tried to burglarize the home.

The victim claims that the sound of him cocking the handgun putting a round in the chamber scared off the would be attackers but not before they sprayed him with the mace.

"I leaned down and grabbed my pistol and I cocked it and got it all ready and the sound was enough to scare them off," 

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